
Text — Rendering text.


#include <ghosd/ghosd-text.h>

Ghosd*      ghosd_text_new                  (const char *markup,
                                             int x,
                                             int y);


Text is supported by Ghosd only if it was built with Pango support. This requires the "pangocairo" library underneath, which is only in newer Linux distributions -- it's in Ubuntu breezy but not hoary.

I expect to flesh out this API, so this is mostly a placeholder for now.


ghosd_text_new ()

Ghosd*      ghosd_text_new                  (const char *markup,
                                             int x,
                                             int y);

Create a new Ghosd that will display text.

markup : text, in the form of Pango markup.
x : x coordinate (see ghosd_set_position()).
y : y coordinate (see ghosd_set_position()).
Returns : a new Ghosd object.