
October 13, 2011

In a former life I was briefly involved in the Atom syndication format. In the syndication world people often fretted about whether content needed to be "double escaped" — for example, whether an ampersand needed to be "encoded" as & or &.

Using those terms is thinking about the problem the wrong way. Quoting is needed when you embed one language in another (or even a language within itself). Well-defined languages have explicit rules — e.g. to embed plain text in HTML, & must be encoded as &, and the same rule applies when embedding HTML into XML — and so to judge "how much" escaping is needed you must just follow those rules.

The confusion with RSS was not about whether the languages were well-defined, but rather because it wasn't clear which language you were using: whether your feed contains plain text or HTML. (Atom attempted to address this with a more careful spec, which means that eight years later, blog software must now support multiple incompatible formats, I still sometimes see literal 's in Google Reader, and have successfully avoided ever participating in another specification process again.)

Language-layering confusion is rampant in the programming world, perhaps because the rules for embedding are so fuzzy in spoken languages. Here are a collection of instances of ways it can go wrong.

Ruby. In Ruby's string substitution function (example: "foobar".gsub("bar", "baz")), the first argument may be a regex. Did you know that second argument, the replacement, is not literal text? It leads to some surprising behavior. The fact that the function usually behaves as if the second argument is literal text means that it's easy to write a bug here (consider taking untrusted user input and passing it through as the second argument to gsub), a pattern we'll see frequently below.

UTF-8. Embedding ASCII into UTF-8 is trivial — no change. This makes it very easy to write code where you mix up which of the two you're dealing with. See e.g. how Evite transformed a single UTF-8 character into 16 backslashes — probably went through multple layers of systems, each of which thought it needed to escape the backslashes for the next.

I think Python is especially hard to get right in the presence of Unicode strings, though I've read rumors that 3k helps. The Go language defines its string type as UTF-8 and provides a separate type for collections of bytes, but even at this early stage you see them getting it wrong (e.g. the textproto package provides strings but doesn't discuss encoding anywhere).

This area of problems is strangely one of the motivations of using UTF-16 for Unicode text in Chrome: it's much harder to accidentally stuff random data into a UTF-16 string class.

Text-based games. Jens once told a story about a MUD where a programming error in parsing the text of a user making an utterance would actually allow the text the user was "speaking" to escape into the programming logic of the game itself. It was a unintentional but true form of magic: you could defeat the dragon by simply speaking the magic words (!) — which were likely metacharacters. (I'd love to hear more details on this story, if anyone has them; my memory has surely corrupted it.)

Command lines. On Unix systems, A command line is an array of strings: a program name and its arguments. There is no single defined thing that you could call a "command line string". You can represent a command line array of strings as a single string but in doing so you are again crossing a language level: you must define the syntax of how your array is flattened.

On Unix systems, that language is almost always the language of the shell, which has a mini-language of metacharacters described in e.g. the "QUOTING" section of the bash man page.

So when we talk about command line strings on Unix systems, we typically mean "command lines as encoded in the language of the shell". (This isn't necessarily always the case! .desktop files, as used to create icons on your desktop for Gnome/KDE/etc. use a different syntax for command lines.)

If there is one lesson I'd like you learn from this post, it is that there is no such thing as "a command line string" but rather "a command line string as interpreted by bash". I wouldn't be surprised if there were dark corners in the syntax here where a given command string would be interpreted differently by different systems.

On Windows, command lines are a bit more confusing (and a little terrifying to me): commands are executed with a string command line, and it's up to each program to parse that string into arguments — it's up to each program decide on the language used to represent the array. In practice the C runtime does the the parsing before delivering an argv to main(). You can read the MSDN docs to discover that language — the rules are surprisingly tricky!

In Chrome, for reasons unclear to me (perhaps the above parsing rules have changed across MSVC versions?) we actually discard the argv passed to WinMain() and instead call out to Windows APIs to get the original command line string to parse it. When generating command lines we do our half of the complex dance.

Ninja. Command lines and quoting have recently been of special interest to me because of my Ninja build system, which (due to not doing much else) deals a lot with command lines. As part of Ninja's minimalist philosophy, it treats the command lines you provide as opaque strings, with no tokenization of parameters. This means that, as described above, on Unix we hand those strings through to a shell. (On Windows it's a bit more up in the air; I still need to read through my backlog of bug mail to better describe what behavior is desirable or best.)

With my lessons learned from all of the above, I tried to keep the Ninja syntax as simple as possible. Here's an attempt at summarizing the rules: Newlines are significant, $ is always a metacharacter; $ followed by text is interpreted as a variable reference, $ followed by $ evaluates to just $.

Initially Ninja had used backslashes for line continuations, but doing so takes backslashes out of the source language, which makes it impossible to express Windows paths. After much delibaration I hit upon the simple solution of making $ followed by a newline into a line continuation, which means backslashes are no longer magic. (The syntax is all generated by code anyway so adjusting my builds to adopt this was a one-line change in a a Python script.)

Make. Ninja parses Makefiles as generated by gcc. I attempted to discover what the quoting rules are for Makefiles, but could only find scattered references in the documentation. I summarized them in a comment; I was especially amused by how nearly impossible it is to express a line that ends in a backslash.

The web. Half the security problems you see (SQL injection, XSS) on the internet can be interpreted as a language-mixing problem. I won't even go into it, but instead link to one of the many fine blog posts on how type systems can help.

mbox files. The mbox format represented a collection of email messages concatenating them together, each with a line starting with "From". But wait, what if the messages themselves contain such a line? And here the approaches diverged; some attempted to escape such a line by inserting a character, like ">From", neglecting the fact that this now made it impossible to represent a line with that literal text in the new format. The result: "mbox" is a family of several mutually incompatible mailbox formats.

The popular "mailman" software suite used to manage mailing lists includes a generated archive (see webkit-dev, for example). In principle it provides downloadable archives, but unfortunately in practice it gets the mbox rules wrong and produces a file that is impossible to parse without making heuristic guesses as to the boundaries of messages.

Conclusion. Is there a lesson here? I'm not sure. All software is full of bugs, here are some more.

I think this kind of nitpicky detail is just the sort of thing that type systems are especially good at getting right, but they only help if you're careful to use a new type at each language boundary: "ok, this string is the content of the mail message, and now we transform that into the mbox language..."

Maybe the mental model I use, of always associating a given string with a given language will help you keep things straight, like the implicit numeric base we use with numbers: "123" implicitly means "123 in base 10". The next time you have a user's name and want to print it, hopefully you'll think "I need to convert that from base unicode into base bytestring suitable for stdout."

With that framework in mind, spot the security bug: QuickTime, when it wanted to open a URL referenced in the movie file, opened it by running the equivalent of system("browser.exe " + url). (For extra credit, why is this a problem even if you get all the escaping right and the browser really received the intended string as a command line argument?)